Ladies and Gentlemen
Our goal is to make your stay as pleasant as possible. This also means that you should know exactly what services we provide, what we stand for and what obligations you have to us.
- Option data is binding for both contractual partners. The organizer reserves the right to allocate the reserved rooms to someone else after the option dates have expired.
- If several people, especially groups, register, the number of people should be announced 5 days in advance in the interests of everyone.
- Reserved rooms are only available to the customer at the time agreed in writing. A use of the rooms beyond the agreed period requires prior consultation with the organizer.
- Which services are contractually agreed can be found in the advertisements and in the information in the reservation confirmation that refers to them. Unless otherwise agreed, the information in our flat rates and the currently valid price lists apply.
- A refund for services ordered but not used is not possible.
- The prices awarded are inclusive prices and include service charges and the applicable statutory VAT.
- If the period between the conclusion of the contract and the provision of the service exceeds 12 months, the organizer reserves the right to make price changes without prior notice.
- If the statutory VAT rate changes after the contract has been concluded, the agreed price will change accordingly.
- When changing or canceling reserved rooms and arrangements, the following will be charged:
- No costs up to 31 days before the start of the event
- 30-21 days before the start of the event 45% of the agreed costs
- 20-10 days before the start of the event 60% of the agreed costs
- 09-04 days before the start of the event 80% of the agreed costs
- 03-01 days before the start of the event 90% of the agreed costs
- 0 days before the start of the event 100% of the agreed costs
- The customer is liable for payment and for possibly also dining and drinks ordered by the event participants.
- A change in the number of participants must be communicated at least 2 days before the start of the event, otherwise at least the ordered number of agreed services will be invoiced.
- Any exhibition or other items, including personal items, are stored in the event rooms at the customer’s risk. The organizer assumes no liability for loss, destruction or damage, including financial loss, except in the event of gross negligence or intent on the part of the organizer.
- The service recipient is liable for all damage to the building or inventory caused by event participants or visitors, employees, other third parties from his area or himself.
- Malfunctions in the technical or other facilities provided will be eliminated immediately, as far as possible. However, payments cannot be withheld or reduced.
- Our invoices are payable without deductions within 7 days of the invoice date.
- With the publication of new price lists, all previous versions immediately lose their validity. The service recipient is obliged to inform himself in good time about any changes in this regard. Our websites and the organizer are available for this purpose.
- We reserve the right to correct errors as well as printing and calculation errors.
- The ineffectiveness of individual provisions of the contract or these general terms and conditions does not affect the effectiveness of the above agreements.
- For all disputes arising from this contract and its fulfillment, the jurisdiction of the Gießen district court is agreed, to the extent permitted by law.